Adding CDs to the Library

MediaMonkey can catalog CDs (Audio CDs or data CDs containing compressed audio Tracks), even if you don't rip the CD contents to your hard drive. To do so, place your CD in your CD Rom drive. If no information about the CD is available on your system, an attempt will be made to identify it by connecting to Freedb over the internet.

Right-click the CD in the My Computer node and make any changes to any of the Track properties (these will be saved to a file called cdplayer.ini so that the CD will be recognized if it is subsequently inserted). Once you're comfortable with the CD's properties, select Add Files to Library or press <Insert> . The CD will be catalogued in the library. CDs that have been added in this manner will appear in the Locations node of the Library, while the Tracks contained within will be browsable via other nodes such as Album or Artist . Note that the Tracks from the album will appear greyed out if they're inaccessible (i.e. if the CD is not inserted), and black if the CD is inserted.